Kamis, 27 Agustus 2015

The Power of Time

Diposting oleh Unknown di 17.18 0 komentar
Ini berawal waktu gue lagi kuliah speaking. Mungkin waktu kalian denger pertanyaan ini kalian gak akan mikir panjang buat jawab. Sama kayak yang gue rasain saat itu. Gue bisa jawab langsung tanpa mikir dan penuh tawa menganggap jawaban gue udah yang paling bener.
            Ceritanya mata kuliah hari itu adalah “if conditional sentence” yah tentang suatu kalimat pengandaian gitu. dosen gue nanya “ jika kalian diberi waktu untuk hidup, berapa lama kalian ingin hidup? “ spontan gue dan temen-temen gue jawab “forever miss!” lalu dosen gue senyum dan menjelaskan sesuatu yang ga pernah kita sadari sebelumnya.
            Dia bilang, “if I can ask how long I can life, maybe I just want life in a certain time, maybe a hundred years, or maybe ninety years” why? Because I won’t to see all of my lovely pass away one by one.”
            Jawaban itu ngena banget di gue. Apalagi sebelumnya gue udah pernah kehilangan seseorang yang deket banget di hidup gue. Apa yang dosen gue bilang bener, gue ga mungkin kuat liat orang yang gue sayang pergi satu persatu dari hidup gue. Gue juga gak mungkin kuat liat anak cucu gue kelak pergi ninggalin gue. Itu bakal jadi nyesek moment di hidup gue.
            Pertanyaan kedua yang bikin gue nyesek pula “what would you do if you could turn back the time?” kenapa nyesek? Harusnya kan seneng. Lho bisa jawab, kalo gue bisa memutar waltu, gue mau lahir jadi anak orang kaya, gue mau cakep, gue mau ini, mau itu, atau misalnya gue mau punya temen masa kecil terus lho berdua udah saling suka dari kecil, abis itu gedenya ketemu dan jadilah cerita cinta kayak FTV . hehe (kejauhan). Tapi bisa aja kan lho jawab kayak gitu?
            Tapi setelah gue pikir-pikir kenapa pertanyaan itu ngena banget?  Itu gue sadari ketika gue mulai menggarap tugas itu, perlahan-lahan semua kenangan di masa lalu satu-persatu singgah di pikiran gue. Masa kecil yang indah, keluarga yang sempurna, sampai suatu saat satu persatu orang yang ada di deket gue ninggalin gue. Mulai dari hewan peliharaan yang paling gue sayang, sampai sanak saudara yang deket banget sama gue. Kesempurnaan hidup gue mulai terasa terenggut ketika seseorang yang paling deket sama gue pergi ninggalin gue. Seorang lelaki yang selalu nemenin gue, ngabulin semua hal yang gue pengen, nganterin kemanapun gue mau, kapanpun gue butuh dia dia gak pernah kehabisan waktu, bahkan ketika dia marah dia gak pernah bisa jauh dari gue. Jujur gue lebih deket dia ketimbang orang tue gue sendiri. Kakek, mungkin itu adalah sosok yang paling gue rindukan saat ini.
            Tapi bagaimanapun juga,waktu tidak akan dapat berputar kembali. Inilah hidup, semua akan kembali keasalnya, hanya tinggal menunggu waktu. Semua hanya tentang sesuatu yang mengatur segala hal yang hidup, sesuatu yang menentukan kapan semuanya akan terjadi “waktu”. Kini aku tak takut lagi akan segala kemungkinan yang akan terjadi. Kenapa? Jawabannya karena semua hal didunia ini memiliki waktu mereka masing-masing. Terimakasih “waktu” telah memberikan hal-hal indah singgah dalam kehidupanku.

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

“Cinta Brontosaurus”

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.42 0 komentar

I was pleasantly surprised at how much I get benefit while I watch this film . Cinta Brontosaurus was probably the most anticipated movie of the year 2013 . The movie is merely based on the book . But is it any good? First of all, the characters of the actor are very interested. Because I believe if you watch this film you will laugh very much.
                Cinta Brontosaurus is the movie that very comfort. The film tells about Raditya Dika (Dika) is  a writer who has broken up with Nina his girlfriend . Since this moment, he believes that love could be expired . Soleh Solihum (Kosasih) Dika’s scrips agent,try to make Dika believe with love again.
                However,love can come without preparation.Like when Dika met with Eriska Rein (Jessika), a woman who thought the same way strangely with Dika . And it make Dika doubt. Is love really can expire?
                On the other hand,Mr.Soe Lim offered to make a film by Dika’s book.Entitle is “Cinta Brontosaurus” . Interested, Dika try to write the movie’s script. But the problem began again when in the middle of the road,Mr.Soe Lim tried to change the original Dika’s script into a horror movie that was sold.
                Cinta Brontosaurus , this film is a journey Dika’s life . He try to understand about love that in fact , he got it from his experience with Jessika,friends,and his own family . And after all, Dika can answer his question.Love can expire but like a brontosaurus that can stay although their friends was entirely.
 Cinta Brontosaurus is a good film for romance an comedy lovers. So that, if you want to laugh very much you have to watch this film. I think I should give applause to the director.

                                                                                                                A film review by Ivan Budiani (2014)

Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

“All about my puppy love”

Diposting oleh Unknown di 17.03 0 komentar

The first person that I met must not be the last person that I really want. As same as the person that I called my first love. The prince that makes me know what is the meaning of love. When my heart beat so fast, and this is the first time in my life. It feels like very freak, strange, and I can not guess ,what happened in my soul.
            First love, puppy love, or whatever everyone say about that is the time that I felt very confuse about what happen with me. When I felt very embarrassed while he was looking at me, when I waste many time just for waiting he walk in front of me, and the other stupid thing. And the most annoyed something that I must do at that time, I must be calm when I having chit-chat with him. It was very difficult for me, because as I know he always make my heart want to go out from my chest.
            Yaps, he is the first. The first person that can make me waste a lot of my time just for thinking about him, the first person that make me smile without a reason, and the others crazy thing. He likes a prince with a small body, white skin, and a warm smile on his face make he looks very cute. He is the boy that I called my “puppy love”.
            “Dear, would you be my girlfriend?” this is the sentence that still dancing in my head during the last year. I got my first love when I become an elementary school student. Yes, this is very early for the girl likes me. But it is too hard to forget it. There is no moment that really special, there is also nothing for save. But, it is something that we called first love. What will they do in twelve years old? What will they give while their money just enough for themselves?  There is nothing.
            Sometimes I miss something that I called it my puppy love. Because when I was graduated from my elementary school, I never met with him again. I thought it was seven years ago when the last time I met him. I did not know it will be the last for us. And until today there was no communication  between us. I thought he is very far from me. I also thought I could not meet with him anymore.
            “Hey Van, what do you thinking about? “ I was shocked by someone that come behind of me
            “Ouh,, nothing.” I answered her
            “ Don’t be lie to me” she smile at me
            “ Okey, I can’t lie to you Jessy”
            “So, will you tell me about that?” she asked me again
            “ I just remember about my puppy love” my face look so shy
            “Really? Who is that? May I know? Why don’t you tell me about him?”
            “Come on Jessy, he just my puppy love, its not too important “ I explained to her
            “Come on Vanda, I just curious about him. I just want to know. Am I wrong?”
            “ Not at all, but I  wanna forget him, so how can I forget him if you always ask him to me?”  I answered
            “Okey,, tell me who is that and I will not ask to you again, deal?”
            “ Oh my God, okey he is my senior when I was in elementary school. Is that clear?”
            “ So, where is he now?” Jessy asked me again
            “ You promise if I tell you about him, you won’t ask me again. Am I right? So why do you ask me? “
            “I don’t think so,” she smile at me
            Jessy is my friendship, close friend, and whatever. She always want to know everything in my life. She always curious about everything. But I never angry with her. I thought it was the meaning of friendship. Sometimes, I spent a lot of my time just for chit-chat with her. But I did not think it waste my time. Because when I together with her I felt happy, and all of my sadness was gone. Although sometimes she was very annoying, but I enjoy it.
Honestly she is my new friend in my university. Because I am a new university student here. Now I study in Ganesha University of Education, language and art faculty, in English education department. Now, Jessy is my classmate. She is smart and has a good personality. She is pretty, cheerful, and easy going person. That is make me comfort with her. Because we have  the same personality and character. 
In everyday I go to campus with Jessy because her boarding house is near from me. So we can go to campus together. Today, I go to Jessy’s boarding house for making homework together. I think She is smarter than me, so she will teach me.
“Jess, what is the meaning of this word? I’m not understand, can you explain it to me?”
“Uhmm,, wait a moment Van, I’ll check my dictionary” she said to me
“ Oh my God, I left my dictionary in campus. Can you take it for me? Because as you know I’m not feeling well today” Jessy looks so panic
“ Okey dear, I’ll take it now.”
I go to campus immediately by my motorcycle. And after arriving in campus I left my motorcycle in the parking area. I go to our last class today and look for Jessy’s dictionary. But I can not find that. Suddenly, my phone ring.
“Hello,,”  I said
“Yes, I’m sorry Van” it is like Jessy’s sound
“What a matter Jessy? “ I feel little bit confuse
“ I found my dictionary in my selves, I forget it. I’m sorry Van” she said
“ Errrgghh,,, What the hell! I’m going to eat you Jessy” I said to her
“ Haha,, I’m really sorry my Dear”
“ Yeah,,” I hang up the phone
Then, I back to the parking area. But suddenly i look someone on my motorcycle. I try to tell him if I want to go out by my motorcycle
“ Excuse me, this is my motorcycle, right? I wanna go out” I said to him
“ Oh,, I’m sorry. I just take a rest for a while here, because I am  really tired. “ said him
Suddenly, my heart beat so fast when I looked at his face. Oh my God, my puppy love. Is it a dream? No Van, it is not a dream, but it just like a dream. Wake up Vanda, wake up! I can not say anything .
Then he said “ Excuse me, “
“ You are Agung, am I right?” I ask to him
“ Yes, how can you know my name?” he looks very confuse
“ Agung, I am Vanda. Don’t you remember me?”
“ Are you sure? Oh my God. Vanda? You look more beautiful now”
“ Ouh,, thank you. Long time no see. Have you been married?”
“ Uhmm,, are you joking me? Not at all. How about you?”
“ Uhm, I’m single right now. By the way what is your department here?”
“ I study art here, as you know I like painting, and I love art. Haha” he laugh
“ Yeah,, I know that. Do you remember when we were an elementary school? I always look at your painting. Right? “ I smile to him
“Haha,, uhmm by the way tomorrow my department will show our painting here. Don’t forget to come, okey?”
“ Ohh,, I’ll be glad for that. By the way I must go now. See you tomorrow!”
I leave him over there and go to Jessy’s boarding house. Honestly, I can not believe if I can meet with him in the same faculty. It still like dream for me. And in everyday I will meet with him. I do not know how it feel. Is it good or bad. But right now, I am still confused with my feeling.
“Jessy, can you guess what happen today? I meet with someone in campus!” I look very glad
“Who? Security, right? Haha” she jokes me
“ Ergggh,, I met with my puppy love. Can you believe that? I met with him in campus. Our campus Jessy!”
“ Are you sure? Or you just lie to me?” she can not believe me
“Ouh,, I’m sure. “ I make it sure
“ And tomorrow he invite me for come to his department’s exhibition”
“Really? That’s sounds good”
“Yes, very good I think” I smile to her
From this moment he and I always meet in the parking area under a big tree there and having a short chit-chat. Sometimes we also having lunch together during waiting for the next class. Or talking about my day to him in my spare time in campus. Honestly, he looks little bit different than he was in elementary school. He looks funnier than before. As I know he is a calm person, and ashamed person. But I can not see it right now.
“Van, you look very different today, something happened with you?” he asked to me
“ Uhmm, no. Not at all” I answered
“ Have you had lunch today?” he asked me again
“ Yes of course. uhmm Agung, by the way I must go now . I wanna meet up with Jessy”
“Okey, take care of yourself Van, you look not well today”
Actually , I just afraid if I will fall in love with him again. I do not know why I am feeling afraid like now. I just think he is not as same as my puppy love in my elementary school. I think he is very different.
“Jess, I think he is different” I said
“ Come on Vanda, every people in the world will change. You must not feel afraid about that”
“But you don’t understand how it feel Jessy”
“ Yeah, I know. But you do not need sad like that. Don’t worry dear, everything will be fine” said jessy to me
“ Uhhmm,, have you eaten? I wanna go to canteen. Will you go with me Van?”
“yeah,, “
Jessy always can omitted my sadness. Yes, she is a great friend  that I ever had. Then, I go to canteen with her. But suddenly I see something that I can not believe in front of us. I see someone that I really know hug a girl while he was holding a cigarette in his finger. Yes he is Agung my puppy love.
“ Are you okey Van?” Jessy asked to me
“ Don’t worry Jess, I already know it will be happen “
And from that moment, I never meet up with him again. But if suddenly I meet him, I just smile to him and regard nothing something happened with us. And from that moment also, Agung my puppy love will still be my puppy love. It will not be change as he change his life. Maybe in the past he is something for me, but now he is nothing. I do not know why the love disappear so fast.
“Ladies and gentlemen, now we will know who is the winner of this short story contest , the name is Vanda Riani . For Vanda, please come on this stage.”
“Van, you win!” said jessy to me
“What? What did you say? “ I asked to my friend
“ The host call your name, don’t you hear that? “
“Are you sure, I can’t believe that.”
“ If you can’t believe the situation, I hope you believe in me. Okey? “ Jessy smile to me.
Then, I go to the stage for accept my achievement . The host asked me to give short speech about my short story.
“For the first, I want to thanks to someone that gave me the inspiration for this short story. Honestly, this is my first love that I never forget. Maybe he is not the right person , but I never disappointed with him. Because he teach me that changes must be done. And I will find someone that I will love him in my life. Okay, I think that is enough. Thank you for a lot all” my smile represent all of my feeling.
And now I know that Jessy is right, everything will be fine. I just need to believe with my self  and believe with the God’s present. Everything will be amazing in it’s time.  This is not the end of my story, because I will make a new story in the future.

The end

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